Friday, May 31, 2013

New Bra Sizes?

A company called Jockey has been developing a new formula for bra fitting for the past 8 years. Learn about it on The Huffington Post.

What do you think of this proposed volumetric fit system as an alternative to our current bra sizing standards?

Friday, May 17, 2013

The Relationship Between Bras and Breasts

A recently completed 15-year study conducted by French scientist Jean-Denis Rouillon observed the relationship between bras and breasts. It has gained attention from women, lingerie designers, and lingerie bloggers around the world. The results suggested that bras might cause expediated sagging in breasts. We've rounded up a few great responses to the study that are worth reading.

Lingerie Briefs - French Bra Study Exposed: Perks Up Media, Deflates Women's Busts
The Lingerie Addict - Do Bras Prevent Breast Sagging?: Why We're Having The Wrong Conversation
Lingerie Talk - Are You Better Off Without A Bra?

What are your thoughts?